Shareholder or Partnership Disputes
What is a Shareholder or Partnership Dispute?
Shareholder or partnership disputes arise when there is a disagreement between the owners or investors in a company, Partnership, or Board of Trustees. The conflict may be about the direction of the company, the distribution of profits or, indeed, anything quite frankly. The ‘personality’ factors that come into play in these types of legal dispute mean that positions can often become entrenched, and the ‘drama’ is often played out in the Board room or during the decision-making processes– which can, and often does, completely cripple a company.
Hillary Cooper Law
go above and beyond
to get you the desired
legal outcome

How can Hillary Cooper Law unlock the impasse in a Shareholder or Partnership Dispute?
Our team of sharp thinking, insightful, wise, and astute lawyers will equip you to resolve your shareholder or partnership dispute- which can often be messy and riddled with underlying personality clashes – which is why this type of dispute best lends itself to round-table settlement negotiations or mediation.